Using this tool to compare & shop menstrual cups and menstrual discs will help make your decision on which option to buy even easier!
Simply select up to four products and tap the compare button. Each listing includes a wide range of features to compare, where to buy, and an exclusive coupon if we have one!
If you need additional help, we recommend checking out The Cup Quiz, our menstrual cup comparison chart, The Disc Quiz, or our menstrual disc comparison chart. Both quizzes make it super simple to choose a cup/disc based on your needs, while the charts offer more in-depth comparisons with easy sorting by length, diameter, capacity, etc.
Compare and shop by selecting up to 4 menstrual cups and/or menstrual discs to view side-by-side.
Comparison Tool Details
Size Comparisons
For uniformity and convenience, the cups and discs are listed as Small Ⓢ Medium Ⓜ, Large Ⓛ, etc. (Official brand sizing is in the comparison details.)
Satisfaction Guarantee
✅ means that the manufacturer offers one of the following
- the option to replace the cup with another size or model if it doesn’t work
- a full refund, credit in full for the value of the cup to spend on another product they sell
- at least 50% refund or credit of the cup towards another product.
Please see their website or contact the brand for full details and current offers.
Charity Component
✅ means that the brand supports a cause with the purchase of its product(s). See this post for more information.
PACII Firmness Score
This refers to the scale we use to classify cups by firmness. See the firmness scale for reference.
Cups or Discs: Not Sure Which To Choose?
We have resources to help with that, too!
Menstrual Cups vs Menstrual Discs | The Differences
Menstrual Cup FAQ
Menstrual Disc FAQ
Please note that all cups and discs listed here are sold through a 3rd party — like Amazon or directly from the brand or manufacturer. If you choose to make a purchase, we might earn a small percentage from that sale, at no cost to you. We hope you find this resource helpful and appreciate your support!
39 Responses
Hey, I noticed that Saalt has a satisfaction guarantee tick on the comparison chart but their website states no returns, refunds, or exchanges. So I’m not sure what the “satisfaction guarantee” means on the comparison chart?
I will look into this. Thank you!
In the meantime, I do know that their customer service is really good about helping troubleshoot and even replacing a cup if the sizing or firmness is wrong. This may be case-by-case.
This tool doesnt work anymore 🙁
It should be working again. It was a complex coding job 😅 I hope this helps!
What an amazing tool, I wish I had known about it before! There is one more cup which is becoming very popular at least in Europe, the Beppy cup, and it seems to be very innovative. Maybe you could add it to the overview in the future? Thanks for this tool again!
I think this needs an update, two of the cups recommended to me by the quiz (mermaid guppy and XO flo mini) are not on the list to compare
In my Firefox 84.0.1 it does not work, in Safari 13.1.2 it does.