Our innovative disc quiz has been developed with more than a decade of experience and by working hand-in-hand with industry disruptors and thought leaders. The Disc Quiz continues to be thoughtfully updated with new brands and the experiences and feedback from our incredible community. Answer a few questions, and you’ll be matched with a selection of discs best suited for your unique body, period experience, lifestyle, and other needs.
The Menstrual Disc Quiz
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Combining our extensive menstrual product knowledge with our Menstrual Disc Comparison Chart we have designed the original menstrual disc quiz to help point you to the best disc for your body, age, history, activity level, and more. Our goal is to help make your first disc the one that works for you!
We invite you to take this easy menstrual disc quiz, even if you’re already a disc user but especially if you aren’t!
Before you take the quiz please keep a few things in mind:
1. We are NOT doctors. We are advocates with decades of experience as cup and disc users. We have spent countless hours talking with menstruators in our community (and beyond) and learning from their experiences.
2. Answer questions based on your average – not doing so will cause your answers to be less accurate, resulting in a less than perfect disc. Keep in mind that it’s not abnormal to be heavier on the first day of your period.
3. We can help! If you take the quiz and only receive a suggestion for a disc you use/have used and didn’t love send join our Facebook community! Our bodies are complex, so it’s not impossible, plus we have a lot of tricks up our sleeves and would love to help you make your disc work for you.
We are open to suggestions on future edits based on your experience. Please email us admin@putacupinit.com.
This is a passion project that we hope will help thousands find their ideal menstrual disc to make the switch successfully from Day 1 or improve their current experience. We do have paid, working relationships with most of the brands featured but they in no way impact what discs and brands are included in the results. We have also used affiliate links in our quiz, so if you purchase one using them we will receive a small percentage, so thank you!
5 Responses
I took this quiz because I have issues with the Flex disk leaking, but one of the results I got was the flex. I was able to use a cup very efficiently before I had my son, but now I’m trying to find what works for my body again. My Tieut S is too small now (it was my goldilocks before). The flex disk is comfortable enough, but I just don’t think the shape works for my body. I don’t want to worry about leaking all day long.
Try to size up since our lady pockets are more relaxed after delivery. 😊 No matter what folks say, vaginas are different after vaginal delivery. You can also try some kegals before going back to the same size disc. Whatever you prefer.
Quiz was accurate for me! Before taking it I tried the flex discs, but they would leak and sometimes pop out. The disc said Cora would work best and I have had no leaking or any issues with it! Very happy with my Cora disc
My mom is 40 years old, she has 5 kids that too 5 normal delivery. Which size is preferred for her
I’m not sure where I can leave feedback in a place the moderators will see it but Lumma recently changed the size of their medium disc. It is now 60mm in diameter instead of 63mm. The sizing chart still reflects the old sizing.