Put A Cup In It

Annoying Things About Menstrual Cups We Can All Relate To

The other day we shared a quick thought on our Facebook page that turned into a fairly major discussion on the annoying little things that all menstrual cup users experience. Based on our own experiences and the experiences of our Facebook commenters we came up with a list. Enjoy!

The Strand

This was the annoyance that united us all based on the comments. You wiggle and jiggle but there is always the one strand of goo that won’t disconnect from cup. In order to take your cup to the sink the string either has to let go or you have to admit defeat and let it live inside and rinse it out.


The ‘POP’

How many times have you inserted your cup, left the bathroom, and then felt a pronounced internal “POP” that let you know that your cup was not in fact sealed but it sure as hell is now!


The Crowning

Your cup has started sliding down, slowly, and you are about to give birth to it if you don’t make it to the bathroom in time. It can happen and it isn’t fun! That’s why getting a good secure fit is very important!


The Flushing

So maybe this isn’t always and issue, but when your cup dump results in a deep red streak left in the toilet you are left with two options: risk it and let it sit or flush, flush away.


The TP Waste

Toilet paper just vanishes when you’re on your period. The extra wiping to clean the blood, the TP you use to wipe our your cup before going to the sink, and even those squares you use to sit the cup on can add up! Not to mention it’s scientifically proven you poop more on your period. Cup users save on tampons but we are scared to do the math on whether that is negated by extra rolls.


The Time Wasted

Despite these minor annoyances I’m willing to bet you are all wishing you started using a menstrual cup way before you made the switch. There’s just no better way to manage your period.


Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments if you have an annoying menstrual cup issue to share.

9 Responses

  1. I used to love reading everything your team put out, now I can’t scroll down a page without hitting an ad… Lame sauce.

  2. That blood sitting in there for “up to 12 hours” decomposing inside of your body.. you basically hold decomposing tissue which is meant to be disposed out of your body immediately.
    Good luck with the the infections and discomfort. VERY anti hygienic. I know very few people will agree, as there is a lot of ignorance around these days, especially if you are used to wearing tampons since teenager. Wow!

    1. When you wear a tampon over night you are basically doing the same thing but up to 8 hours. With a tampon you have chemicals being absorbed into your body on top of the blood sitting in your body for that time.
      Everybody has their own preference, no shaming the choices women make about their own periods. We have enough shame out on us from society and others. Move into that sisterhood mindset and to each their own when it comes to period health.

  3. Lol! I had a good chuckle. Although I definitely used way more TP with disposable products. I used to wrap the products (tampons and pads) in TP before throwing them in the garbage to hide them from sight and try to mask the smell. I probably use at least half the amount I used to for my cup.

    1. Yes!! My thoughts exactly. Plus we have a bidet on every toilet so I just use the bidet to wash it out and then hold it in my rewashed hands until I’m ready to insert. Tp use is majorly cut back! Highly recommend a bidet system bc the cleaning process is way easier that way!

  4. Save toilet paper by investing in a bidet spray attachment for your toilet for about $30. It’s basically that spray attachment on your kitchen sink, but attached to the clean water flowing into the toilet tank. It’s a hand-held shower for your bum and vag, and doubles as a menstrual cup cleaner. Everything gets waaaaaay cleaner than with toilet paper. I also use a stack of very inexpensive washcloths only to dry after rinsing. The washcloths don’t get soiled, because the water has cleaned everything; it’s just for drying.

    There are many brands, styles, and price points available on Amazon, or at Lowe’s or Home Depot.

  5. Hahahahaha. This is hilarious! I’m brand new to using a menstrual cup and have had all of these things happen to me already. Good to know I’m not the only one…but also good to know that dealing with them with humor is the best course of action! Thanks!

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