How to find your cervix to measure it for a menstrual cup is one of the questions that we get the most. It might seem odd at first, but locating and measuring your cervical height is an important part of using a menstrual cup. While most people will have an average cervical height, there are those who will find that theirs is very low or very high — possibly so high that they can’t even reach it. A cup that’s too short can be stressfully hard to reach, and a cup that’s too long can poke out (not including the stem, those can be trimmed!) No one wants either of those scenarios, and certainly not after investing $25-40 on a cup.
Now that all of that’s out of the way, watch the video below and you, too, will know how to find and measure your cervix. After you know where you cervix sits, you can take The Cup Quiz and respond, with confidence, to the “how high is your cervix?” question. This will put you one step closer to the perfect fit for you!
What is a cervix?
The cervix is the lowest portion of the uterus, that extends into the vaginal canal. There is a small opening at the end of the cervix that may feel quite closed most of our cycle, but a bit more open at others. If you’d like to check out more information about the cervix, The Beautiful Cervix Project is a wealth of information!
Where is the cervix?
The cervix extends from the uterus into the vaginal canal. It may be positioned lower (near the vaginal opening) or higher (high up and potentially hard to reach). It may be situated directly center at the top of the vaginal canal, or you may find that it is pointed more toward the front or back if you have a tilted or tipped uterus. The cervix can also move during the menstrual cycle or when aroused (it moves up to make room!).
How deep is the cervix?
The cervix is the tip of your uterus and sort of dips into the back of the vaginal canal. How high or low your cervix sits will impact how deep your cervix is, so this will fluctuate from person to person. However, often what people are really asking when they ask this is “How far up is the cervix?” and “Can you reach past your cervix?” How far up it is will depend on your body and while you can’t reach through/into the cervix, you may certainly be able to feel around it and past it to the sides of the cervix. (as illustrated in the image above — note the space to the sides of the cervix in the right illustration)
How to Find Your Cervix
Before you get started, wash your hands! You’ll be using a finger to feel for your cervix. The first thing you’ll feel are the vaginal walls. They feel soft a bit like the inside of your cheeks, though they may have soft ridges. The cervix will feel quite a bit different. It will likely be smooth but with a firmness, like the tip of your nose. You may also feel a small dip or slit (this is the cervical opening).
The cervix is commonly located in the center of the vaginal canal but it may also point in other directions if you have a tipped, tilted, or retroflexed uterus. The shape of the cervix is typically round but it may also have a bit more of a pointed feeling — and the shape may change a bit depending on when you check it in your cycle.
If you feel anything other than soft vaginal walls there is a good chance this is your cervix, even if it doesn’t seem to be where you expected it.
Your cervix changes position throughout your cycle, and its position at particular days of your cycle are unique to you. For this reason, locating your cervix is best done while on your period. If you’re worried about mess, the shower is a great place to do this. We recommend checking it a few times during your cycle to get the best idea of what your body does and needs.
What does the Cervix Feel Like?
Generally speaking the cervix feels a little bit like the tip of your nose, but with a small opening at the end. If you’ve had a child or procedure that effects the cervix, you may notice that it’s a bit more than tiny. There are so many variants of normal. The cervix may feel a bit soft with a very firm core, or it may feel sort of squishy like a softer button nose/or pursed up lips. The cervix will change firmness throughout your cycle.
How to Measure Your Cervix
There are many diagrams and instructions out there that suggest the “knuckle” measurement guide for cervical height. These guides equate the first knuckle to a “low cervix,” the middle knuckle to an “average cervix,” and the highest knuckle (or being unable to reach your cervix) as a “high cervix.” While a helpful tool, it’s a bit too simplified. We all have different hand sizes and finger lengths, so this can very quickly skew the results.
While you will still use your finger to measure, we suggest using your thumb to mark the point just inside the labia minora (the vaginal lips), and then measure the distance from your thumb to the tip of your finger against a ruler. You can also find our free printable ruler along with instructions on how to use it in our new resource.
For the most comfortable fit, the entire menstrual cup should fit inside of the vagina. This measurement should include the stem if you want to keep it intact. If you want to remove or trim the stem, then you can account for that. Our chart shows cup length separately from stem length to help with this.
Cervical Position… What Does It All Mean?
You have your magic (and hard won, we might add) cervical measurement and now you need to know what the hell to do with it?
If you’re going to take our menstrual cup quiz we ask about your cervix height in general terms, High, Average, or Low.
A High Cervix
55mm (2.25″) or higher. If you can barely reach (or are unable to reach) your cervix, you likely have what is deemed a “high cervix.” In this case you are quite lucky because any length of menstrual cup should fit without being too long that it sticks out. However, you want to consider buying cups on the longer side (over 55mm in length with or without stem) for the best chance of being able to find your cup without difficulty.
An Average Cervix
45 mm (1.8″) – 55 mm (2.25″) If you inserted a finger and found your cervix between your middle and highest knuckle deep (again, not precise measurement but a helpful reference) or you measured it to be somewhere in the range of 45-55mm then you have an average cervix.
A Low Cervix
44 mm (1.6″) or lower. If your cervix was easily reachable near the vaginal opening, you have a low cervix. Having a low cervix usually means your menstrual cup selection is a bit more limited and more important. A cup that doesn’t fit inside will not be comfortable. Thankfully there are a several great low cervix options on the market. With your measurements in hand, check it against our Menstrual Cup Comparison Chart and sort the chart based on length to explore the options that might work best for you.
Tips: While a shorter cup generally lends itself to a smaller capacity, there are possible ways around this. The first thing to know is that it’s okay if your cervix dips or telescopes into your cup. It will take up some of the capacity, but a slightly longer cup with a wider rim (to allow room for the cervix) may help open up additional options for you. Sort of like going up a band size in a bra. Also, while they have a less traditional shape and fit, a round, ball-shaped cup may offer more capacity without sacrificing length.
Do I Have to Measure My Cervix?
If you want to have the best shot at buying a cup that will work for you and be comfortable, yes, you should go up in there and find that cervix! Many people guess and get lucky. Some people pick up a cup from the pharmacy and find it’s too long, and that’s a HUGE bummer. To measure or not? That’s a risk you’ll have to decide if you want to take.
For those who simply refuse to measure, or who take our quiz and aren’t aware they should, we suggest a cup that falls in the “average” category. It’s where most people are in terms of their cervix height so you have a better chance that the cup will work.
If you found this after an unsuccessful cup purchase, we hope this video will help you find a cup that is perfect for you on your next try!
28 Responses
Hey! I tried measuring cervix during my period but finger keeps sliding inn till it gets completely inside. But I have read that cervix gets soft during periods and opens up. Cuz no change i felt while I was sliding inn. So is it possible that I have inserted finger inside cervix as well?
Nope, I don’t think so! It’s more likely that you have a very high cervix that it’s unable to reach with your finger. Mine is just like that.